Pram Footmuff Advisor

Find the perfect footmuff for your pram with Fellhof

The most important factors for your decision are the type of pram you want to fit a footmuff to and the harness system. We help you to find the perfect option for your pram quickly and easily.


What type of Pram do I have?

Find out which footmuff is best for which type of pram. Whether it is an baby car seat or carrycot for babies in their first year, or for older children in a sports seat or buggy.

One Footmuff Fits All – Fellhof's Universal Models

Many of our lambskin footmuffs are Universal Models and can be used in a carrycot and later in a pushchair or sports seat. This gives you flexibility when travelling and your child can enjoy the comfort of lambskin for longer. It is important to make sure that the footmuff is compatible with your pushchair's harness system – see below for details.

Lambskin Footmuffs for Baby Car Seats

Baby car seats are essential for new parents. Safety, flexibility and comfort for your child are the most important factors when choosing a baby car seat footmuff. Here you will find all the models that are suitable for use in baby car seats.

Lammfell-Fußsack GASTEIN

Immer eine sichere Wahl für Babyschalen ist der Lammfell-Fußsack GASTEIN. Er spendet wohltuende Wärme für Babys bis ca. 12 Monate. Das Fußende des GASTEIN lässt sich abzippen, so baumeln schmutzige Stiefelchen heraus und das Fell bleibt sauber. Neben dem Einsatz in der Babyschale, ist er auch für Babywannen, Tragetaschen und kleine Kinderwägen geeignet.

Einschlagdecke WINTERBERG

Flexibilität wird mit der Einschlagdecke WINTERBERG großgeschrieben. Speziell für Babyschalen entwickelt, erleichtert sie dir, dein Kind bei kaltem Wetter und starken Temperaturschwankungen zwischen drinnen und draußen gut einzupacken – perfekt für den kurzen Weg zum Auto. Geeignet für Babys bis ca. 6 Monate.

Lammfell Unterlage BÄRLIBU

Etwas aus dem Raster fällt unsere Unterlage BÄRLIBU. Neben zahlreichen anderen Einsatzgebieten ist sie als universelle Lammfell Einlage für die Babyschale perfekt. Außerdem entsteht beim Einlegen der Unterlage in die Einschlagdecke WINTERBERG ein zusätzliches Wärmepolster, das besonderen Schutz vor eisiger Kälte bietet.

Hinweis: Einige unserer Allround-Modelle eignen sich auch hervorragend für den Einsatz in Babyschalen. Abhängig von den genauen Maßen der Babyschale kann die Optik jedoch etwas wuchtiger ausfallen. Bist du dir unsicher, kontaktiere gerne unseren Kundendienst.
GASTEIN Lambskin Footmuff
The Safe Choice:
  • For babies up to approx. 12 months
  • Hood function for even better protection against the cold
  • Footmuff can be fully unfolded – perfect as a mat on the go
  • Suitable for carrycots and baby car seats
WINTERBERG Lambskin Hooded Wrap Blanket
The Flexible Choice:
  • For babies up to approx. 6 months
  • Perfect for changing temperatures indoors and outdoors
  • Strap heights adjustable without steps – ideal for baby car seats
  • Can be combined with BÄRLIBU lambskin mat
BÄRLIBU Lambskin Mat
Light and Universal:
  • Accompanies children up to school age
  • Perfect as an stroller insert for summer
  • Additional protection against the cold combined with the WINTERBERG Lambskin Hooded Wrap Blanket
  • Cute bear design

Compatible with Baby Car Seats:

Gastein Footmuff

BÄRLIBU Lambskin Mat

WINTERBERG Lambskin Hooded Wrap Blanket


Pram Footmuffs for Carrycots

Carrycots are used in the first few months after birth until your baby can sit up on his or her own. Lying flat is particularly important for the development of a healthy spine. Remember, the world of prams, pushchairs and buggies is as varied as the world of lambskin footmuffs. You can find all the models for your carrycot here.

Lammfell Fußsack HOCHSÖLDEN

Der Lammfell Fußsack HOCHSÖLDEN wird seinem Ruf als Allrounder in jedem Fall gerecht: Er ist in der Größe um 20 cm verstellbar und wächst so mit deinem Kind bis ca. 3 Jahren mit. Der HOCHSÖLDEN ist somit auch ideal für den Einsatz im Buggy sobald dein Kind sitzen kann.

HOCHSÖLDEN Lambskin Footmuff
The Adaptable:
  • For children up to approx. 3 years
  • Grows with your child, footmuff adjustable by 20 cm in size
  • Convenient magnetic closure
  • Also suitable for buggies and pushchairs
GASTEIN Lambskin Footmuff
The Fine One for the Little Ones:
  • For babies up to approx. 12 months
  • Quick opening with a central zipper
  • Drawstring hood for extra coziness
  • Also suitable for baby car seats
CORTINA Lambskin Footmuff
The Multi-talent:
  • For children up to approx. 3 years
  • Foldable fur collar for cold days
  • Universal Model: Suitable for most standard prams
  • Also available with a felt cover
WINTERBERG Lambskin Hooded Wrap Blanket
The Flexible One:
  • For babies up to approx. 6 months
  • Hood with adjustable drawstring
  • Can be combined with BÄRLIBU mat
  • Also suitable for baby car seats
WINTERBERG Lambskin Footmuff
The Innovative One:
  • For babies up to approx. 3 years
  • Newly designed fastening system
  • Modern quilted design
  • Universal Model: Suitable for most standard prams

Compatible with Carrycots:

Hochsölden Footmuff

Gastein Footmuff

WINTERBERG Lambskin Hooded Wrap Blanket

WINTERBERG Lambskin Footmuff

Fellhof Cortina Lambskin Footmuff

Cortina Footmuff felt light grey


Universal Footmuff Models for Strollers and Sports Seats

The lambskin footmuffs designed for buggies and sports pushchairs can also be used in a carrycot. Carrycots are usually smaller than the Universal footmuff models, but that's no problem as the footmuff can be folded up to the side of the carrycot. Smooth out the lambskin lining to create a perfect cosy nest.
ASPEN Lambskin Footmuff
The Sporty One:
  • For children up to approx. 3 years
  • With ergonomic seat recess for sport strollers and buggies
  • Removable foot section: dirty little boots dangle outside, keeping the fur clean
  • Perfectly suited for buggies and sport seats
WINTERBERG Lambskin Footmuff
The Innovative One:
  • For children up to approx. 3 years
  • With innovative fastening system
  • Top part of the hood can be zipped off
  • Universal Model: Suitable for most standard pram attachments
CORTINA Lambskin Footmuff
The Multi-talent:
  • For children up to approx. 3 years
  • Foldable fur collar for cold days
  • Universal Model: Suitable for most standard prams
  • Also available with a felt cover
HOCHSÖLDEN Lambskin Footmuff
The Adaptable One:
  • For children up to approx. 3 years
  • Grows with your child, footmuff adjustable by 20 cm
  • Strap heights infinitely adjustable
  • Suitable for buggies, sport seats, and carrycots
GARMISCH Lambskin Footmuff
The Reliable One:
  • For children up to approx. 3 years
  • Classic model: 3-strap height adjustment
  • Foldable fur collar for cold days
  • Suitable for buggies, sport seats, and carrycots

Kompatibel mit Sportsitz & Buggys

Aspen Lambskin Footmuff

WINTERBERG Lambskin Footmuff

Fellhof Cortina Lambskin Footmuff

Hochsölden Footmuff

Fellhof Garmisch Lambskin Footmuff
Fellhof Garmisch Lambskin Footmuff

€149.00 €179.00
Cortina Footmuff felt light grey


Finding the right Footmuff for your Pram

Harness System and Harness Holes

To ensure that the pram and lambskin footmuff fit together, the straps of the pram and the harness holes of the footmuff must be compatible.

What harness systems are there?

Prams have either a 5-point harness system or a 3-point harness system. The number indicates how many points the harness is attached to the pram.
A 3-point harness has two shoulder straps and one crotch strap. A 5-point harness has two additional straps positioned around the waist.

Most modern prams are equipped with a 5-point harness system. For this reason, the harness holes in our footmuffs are designed so that you can thread the waist straps through the corresponding holes. Of course, you can also use a 3-point harness, just leave the waist holes free.

BUT BE CAREFUL: In some prams the waist belt is attached to the shoulder straps - this is called a connected harness system. In this case it is important that the lambskin footmuff has a long, continuous opening through which the connected waist and shoulder straps can pass.

Harness Holes: What you need to know

The harness holes in our footmuff models are all positioned slightly differently. This allows us to offer the right lambskin footmuff for a wide range of prams and pushchairs.
Based on the different designs of the harness openings, our footmuffs can be divided into 3 categories as follows:

TIP: If you choose a Universal footmuff model, we recommend that you check beforehand that your chosen footmuff is compatible with your carrycot, pushchair and any other baby related vehicles.

The exact fit always depends on the exact measurements of your pram. If you are unsure, we will be happy to help you. Simply contact our customer service team.


Lambskin footmuffs in the "Allrounder+" category stand out with their continuous harness holes – making them compatible with most standard prams. 

  • Connected harness systems 
  • 5-point harness systems
  • 3-point harness systems
Durchgehende Gurtschlitze für Fellsack
Aspen Lambskin Footmuff

WINTERBERG Lambskin Footmuff

Gastein Footmuff

WINTERBERG Lambskin Hooded Wrap Blanket



The harness holes of our Allrounder footmuffs are compatible with all prams with open 5-point harness systems and all 3-point harness systems. Connected harness systems are not compatible!

  • Open 5-point harness systems
  • 3-point harness systems

NOTE: Not compatible with connected harness systems!
Offene 5 Gurt System
Fellhof Cortina Lambskin Footmuff

Hochsölden Footmuff

Cortina Footmuff felt light grey



The classic design of the harness holes, simplicity without the fuss and still complying with the highest safety standards - that's the GARMISCH lambskin footmuff. Suitable for prams with step-by-step height adjustment of the harness (3 levels).
  • Open 5-point harness systems
  • 3-point harness systems
Fellhof Garmisch Lambskin Footmuff
Fellhof Garmisch Lambskin Footmuff

€149.00 €179.00
Fellhof Garmisch Lambskin Footmuff

€149.00 €179.00
to Product

Lambskin Footmuff Overview

Information, Videos and Pram Footmuff comparison to download

Here you can find more information and videos about the Fellhof's lambskin footmuffs. You can also download a handy PDF for comparison of all our footmuffs right here:
Footmuff Advisor Video:
How to find the right lambskin footmuff for your pram!

Lambskin for Transitional Seasons and Summer

Fellhof believes that investing in a lambskin footmuff should be worthwhile. That's why almost all of our lambskin footmuffs can be used as a pram liners in summer, with the upper part easily removable. On mild days in autumn and spring, we also recommend using our lighter summer covers.
Lambskin is also the ideal underlay for your child in summer. The air that circulates between the wool fibres creates an insulating layer that keeps the skin cool in summer. This is also due to the wool's ability to absorb and release moisture without feeling damp.

Convinced? Then take a look at our pram liners made from lambskin and benefit from its natural properties.
Pram Liner

Felt Summer Footmuff Cover

CANVAS Summer Cover for Footmuffs

Car Seat Liner Unifit

Lambskin pram liner Protecta summer/winter

Find out how to fit your lambskin footmuff correctly to keep you and your child safe when travelling!

What our lambskin footmuffs for prams have in common

All our current lambskin footmuff models are lined with soft Merino lambskin. Our footmuffs are machine washable at 30°C to ensure they are easy to keep clean and hygienic. Our lambskin footmuff models feature reflective strips for added safety. 
Our lambskin footmuffs for prams also have non-slip inserts on the back to prevent them from slipping in the pram. The durable outer material is made of 100% water-repellent polyester and is therefore windproof and waterproof – making our footmuffs the perfect companion whatever the weather.
How to clean your lambskin footmuff! Step-by-step guide to gentle and correct lambskin care.

Compare Footmuffs

An Overview of All Fellhof Footmuff Models

When children are sitting in their prams, it’s important that they stay warm. With the Fellhof pram footmuffs made from lambskin, this is no problem! The soft lambskin provides a comfortable temperature all year round. The comparison of pram footmuffs examines all models in detail and shows you which footmuff you need for your pram model.

Babies Love Soft Merino Lambskin

Each Fellhof footmuff is lined with soft Merino lambskin. It’s not only wonderfully soft but also helps maintain a comfortable temperature in the pram. Lambskin is simply perfect for winter! Thanks to its soft fibres, which retain warmth brilliantly, it makes an ideal cosy thermal protection in both prams and buggies.

Summer Comfort in the Pram: Why Lambskin is the Best Choice

You don't have to skip lambskin in summer. Its natural fibres have the fantastic property of absorbing moisture, helping to regulate heat for optimal comfort. That’s why lambskin is the best choice to make your child extra comfortable in the pram. Find your perfect lambskin footmuff for the pram and discover our practical hand warmers as well!

Special features of our lambskin pram footmuffs

  • MERIBEL is for children under 1 year of age; other footmuffs can be used for children up to 3.
  • Our HOCHSÖLDEN model is adjustable – the size can be adjusted to best accommodate your child.
  • The back panel of our GARMISCHHOCHSÖLDENASPEN and CORTINA models can be removed and used as a mat or pram-liner.

Find the perfect lambskin footmuff for your pram

Our YouTube channel has plenty of helpful tips about lambskin. Our practical advice on choosing the right lambskin footmuff and tips on how to clean and care for it will help you enjoy your lambskin products for a long time. Subscribe to our channel and take advantage of our handy tips.
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